现任南方科技大学教授、商学院副院长。曾担任香港城市大学商学院博士生项目主任、助理院长,中国科学技术大学管理学院副院长、国际金融研究院常务副院长等职务。陆晔教授长期教授最优化方法和风险管理的统计模型等课程;其研究多次被香港政府资助,并主持或作为骨干参与国家自然科学基金青年项目、创新群体项目和重大项目子课题。陆晔教授在科研上取得了一系列丰硕的成果,如在一类概率分布下,改进了著名的霍夫丁不等式;作为凸性的拓展和延申,提出了(K, c, q)-凸性和K-近似凸性等概念,同时证明了这些性质在动态规划下的可传递性,为相应的多期优化问题提供了理论基础和工具保障。 在Operations Research、SIAM Journal on Optimization、Production and Operations Management等国际顶级期刊上发表多篇论文;获得过美国运筹学和管理科学协会(INFORMS)、华人学者管理科学与工程协会(CSAMSE)和所任职大学的各种科研奖项,担任国际知名期刊Decision Sciences副编辑。
2009年 美国麻省理工学院运筹学博士
2006年 美国圣母大学数学博士
2002年 清华大学应用数学学士
2022年至今 南方科技大学信息系统与管理工程系教授
2020年至今 香港城市大学管理科学系教授
2018-2019年 中国科学技术大学管理科学系教授
2015-2018年 香港城市大学管理科学系副教授
2009-2015年 香港城市大学管理科学系助理教授
R. He and Y. Lu*. 2021. A Robust Price-Setting Newsvendor Problem. Production and Operations Management. Vol. 30, pp. 276-292
P. Hu, Y. Lu*, and M. Song. 2019. Joint Pricing and Inventory Control with Fixed and Convex/Concave Variable Costs. Production and Operations Management. Vol. 28, pp. 847-877
Y. Lu, M. Song and Y. Yang. 2018. Approximation Approaches for Inventory Systems with General Production/Ordering Cost Structures. Production and Operations Management. Vol. 27, pp. 417-432
Y. Lu, M. Xu and Yu, Y. 2018. Coordinating Pricing, Ordering and Advertising for Perishable Products over an Infinite Horizon. Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering. Vol. 27, pp. 106-129.
X. Yan, X. Chao, Y. Lu, and X. Zhou. 2017. Optimal Policies for Selling New and Remanufactured Products. Production and Operations Management. Vol. 26, pp. 1746-1759.
Y. Lu, M. Song, and Y. Yang. 2016. Joint Inventory and Pricing Coordination with Incomplete Demand Information. Production and Operations Management. Vol. 25, pp. 701-718.
X. Xu, Z. Ma, L. Xu and Y. Lu. 2015. Optimal pricing strategy to reduce fuel consumption in electricity generation with smart meter. Journal of System Science and Systems Engineering. Vol. 24, pp. 81-106.
Y. Lu and M. Song. 2014. Inventory control with a fixed cost and piecewise linear convex variable production cost. Production and Operations Management. Vol. 23, pp. 1966-1984.
Y. Lu, Y. Chen, M. Song and X. Yan. 2014. Optimal pricing and inventory control policy with quantity-based price differentiation. Operations Research. Vol.62, pp. 512-523.
Y. Lu* and D. Simchi-Levi. 2013. On the unimodality of the profit function of the pricing newsvendor. Production and Operations Management. Vol. 22, pp. 615-625.
M. Xu and Y. Lu.* 2013. The effect of supply uncertainty in price-setting newsvendor models. European Journal of Operational Research. Vol. 227, pp.423-433.
L. Wu, X. Chen, Y. Lu,* and Y. Yuan, 2013. Stability and allocation in a three-player game. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research. Vol. 30(3) 1340014.
Y. Chen, Y. Lu and M. Xu. 2012. Optimal inventory control policy for periodic‐ review inventory systems with inventory‐level‐dependent demands. Naval Research Logistics. Vol.56, pp. 430-440.
Y. Lu,* A. Ozdaglar, and D. Simchi‐ Levi. 2011. Stock repurchase with an adaptive reservation price: a study of the greedy policy. Operations Research Letter, Vol. 39, pp. 22 ‐ 27.
Y. Lu* and Y. Yuan. 2008. An interior‐point trust‐region polynomial algorithm for convex quadratic minimization over general convex constraints. Optimization Methods and Software (23), pp. 251-258.
Y. Lu* and Y. Yuan. 2007. An interior‐point trust‐region algorithm for general symmetric cone programming. SIAM Journal on Optimization. 18, pp. 65 ‐ 86.
Y. Lu, D. Bates, A. Sommese, and C. Wampler. 2007. Finding all real points of a complex curve. Contemporary Mathematics. 448, pp. 183 ‐ 206.
L. Faybusovich and Y. Lu. 2006. Jordan‐algebraic aspects of nonconvex optimization over symmetric cones. Applied Mathematics and Optimization. 53, pp. 67 ‐ 77.
*corresponding author