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王帅博士,担任南方科技大学副教授(正高、研究员、博导、独立PI),国家级高层次青年人才,深圳市“孔雀计划”B类人才。2010-2013年在日本北海道大学进行学习。2014年-2018年先后在日本九州大学和美国威斯康辛大学-麦迪逊分校进行博士后工作。主要研究特种金属的激光3D打印,研发面向芯片、新能源、核能、深海等重大领域的抗氢、抗裂纹、形状记忆等特种金属的高性能精密制造方法。在相关领域先后主持国家重点研发计划(“增材制造与激光制造”重点专项,青年科学家项目)、国自然和省市级竞争性科研项目多项,在国际著名学术期刊发表学术论文40多篇,其中有12篇发表在金属材料领域顶级期刊Acta Materialia。担任中国科技期刊卓越行动计划重点期刊《材料科学与技术杂志》(JMST)、《Corrosion Communications》、《中国腐蚀与防护学报》等学术杂志青年编委。曾获全国电子显微学学术年会优秀报告奖、南方科技大学“优秀书院导师”奖、南方科技大学青年教师教学竞赛一等奖、科普荣誉奖、南方科技大学首届“良师益友”奖、优秀教学奖等。部分科研成果被Science Daily、Imaging & Microscopy、Phys.org等多个科技媒体报道。


◆ 2021.01 – 至今        南方科技大学    副教授
◆ 2018.06 – 2020.12  南方科技大学    助理教授
◆ 2015.04 – 2018.06  威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校  博士后研究员
◆ 2014.03 – 2015.03  九州大学           博士后研究员
◆ 2013.12 – 2014.03  北海道大学        技术辅助员


◆ 2010 – 2013  北海道大学       博士
◆ 2007 – 2010  北京科技大学    硕士
◆ 2003 – 2007  合肥工业大学    学士



◆ 抗氢脆高强度金属部件增材制造

◆ 金属肌肉4D打印

◆ 特种能场辅助抗开裂增材制造

◆ 金属氢脆机理

◆ 先进制造中的变形和失效理论


1. Z. Yao, L. Bao, M. Yang, Y. Chen, M. He, J. Yi, X. Yang, T. Yang, Y. Zhao, C. Wang, Z. Zhong, S. Wang*, X. Liu, Thermally stable strong <101> texture in additively manufactured cobalt-based superalloys, Scripta Materialia 242 (2024) 115942.

2. Z. Yao, M. He, J. Yi, M. Yang, R. Shi, C. Wang, Z. Zhong, T. Yang, S. Wang*, X. Liu, High-strength titanium alloy with hierarchical-microstructure design via in-situ refinement-splitting strategy in additive manufacturing, Additive Manufacturing 80 (2024) 103969.

3. Q. Liu, J. Lu, Z. Luo, J. Yi, M. He, Y. Zhao, S. Wang*, Enhancing corrosion resistance of additively manufactured 316L stainless steel by fabricating pillar arrays, Materials & Design 230 (2023) 111940.

4. Q. Sun, J. He, A. Nagao, Y. Ni, S. Wang*, Hydrogen-prompted heterogeneous development of dislocation structure in Ni, Acta Materialia 246 (2022) 118660.

5. H. Cao, W. Lu, M. Yi, S. Wang*, Deformation and failure by weaving dislocation networks in body-centered-cubic tungsten, Materials & Design 223 (2022) 111182.

6. H. Cao, S. Wang*, The effect of hydrogen on dislocation motion and cracking in tungsten foil, Corrosion Science 207 (2022) 110547.

7. M. He, H. Cao, Q. Liu, J. Yi, Y. Ni, S. Wang*, Evolution of dislocation cellular pattern in Inconel 718 alloy fabricated by laser powder-bed fusion, Additive Manufacturing. (2022) 102839.

8. H. Li, Z. Zheng, J. He, A. Nagao, Q. Sun, S. Wang*, Dislocation evolution in copper in the absence and presence of hydrogen, Materials Science and Engineering: A. 842 (2022) 143082.

9. Q. Sun, F. Cao, S. Wang*, Nanoscale corrosion investigation of surface nanocrystallized 7150 Al alloy in 3.5 wt% NaCl solution by using FIB-TEM techniques, Corrosion Science. 195 (2022) 110021.

10. J. He, Z. Zeng, H. Li, S. Wang*, The microstructure and mechanical properties of copper in electrically assisted tension, Materials & Design 196 (2020). 

11. Q. Sun, Y. Ni, S. Wang*, Orientation dependence of dislocation structure in surface grain of pure copper deformed in tension, Acta Materialia 203 (2021) 116474.

12. S. Wang*, A. Nagao, P. Sofronis, I.M. Robertson*, Assessment of the impact of hydrogen on the stress developed ahead of a fatigue crack, Acta Materialia 174 (2019) 181-188.

13. S. Wang*, A. Nagao, P. Sofronis, I. M. Robertson*, Hydrogen-modified dislocation structures in a cyclically deformed ferritic-pearlitic low carbon steel, Acta Materialia 144 (2018) 164-176.

14. S. Wang, A. Nagao, K. Edalati, Z. Horita, I.M. Robertson, Influence of hydrogen on dislocation self-organization in Ni, Acta Materialia 135 (2017) 96-102.

15. S. Wang, M.L. Martin, I.M. Robertson, P. Sofronis, Effect of hydrogen environment on the separation of Fe grain boundaries, Acta Materialia 107 (2016) 279-288.

16. S. Wang, M.L. Martin, P. Sofronis, S. Ohnuki, N. Hashimoto, I.M. Robertson, Hydrogen-induced intergranular failure of iron, Acta Materialia 69 (2014) 275-282.

17. S. Wang*, N. Hashimoto, Y. Wang, S. Ohnuki, Activation volume and density of mobile dislocations in hydrogen-charged iron, Acta Materialia 61(13) (2013) 4734-4742.

18. S. Wang*, K.E. Nygren, A. Nagao, P. Sofronis, I.M. Robertson, On the failure of surface damage to assess the hydrogen-enhanced deformation ahead of crack tip in a cyclically loaded austenitic stainless steel, Scripta Materialia 166 (2019) 102-106. 

19. M.-R. He, S. Wang, S. Shi, K. Jin, H. Bei, K. Yasuda, S. Matsumura, K. Higashida, I.M. Robertson, Mechanisms of radiation-induced segregation in CrFeCoNi-based single-phase concentrated solid solution alloys, Acta Materialia 126 (2017) 182-193.

20. M.L. Martin, M. Dadfarnia, A. Nagao, S. Wang, P. Sofronis, Enumeration of the hydrogen-enhanced localized plasticity mechanism for hydrogen embrittlement in structural materials, Acta Materialia 165 (2019) 734-750.

21. K.E. Nygren, K.M. Bertsch, S. Wang, H. Bei, A. Nagao, I.M. Robertson, Hydrogen embrittlement in compositionally complex FeNiCoCrMn FCC solid solution alloy, Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 22(1) (2018) 1-7.

22. T. Ma, S. Wang, M. Chen, R.V. Maligal-Ganesh, L.-L. Wang, D.D. Johnson, M.J. Kramer, W. Huang, L. Zhou, Toward Phase and Catalysis Control: Tracking the Formation of Intermetallic Nanoparticles at Atomic Scale, Chem 5(5) (2019) 1235-1247. 
