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2019.08-至今      南方科技大学 统计与数据科学系 副教授

2019.01-2019.08 南方科技大学 数学系 副教授

2011.07-2019.01 新加坡国立大学 统计与应用概率系 助理教授

2010.08-2011.06 美国雪城大学 数学系 助理教授



2005-2010     明尼苏达大学双子城分校统计学博士,导师: R. Dennis Cook

2001-2003     新加坡国立大学统计与应用概率论硕士

1994-1999     南开大学数学学士



  1. Deng, L., Zou, C., Wang Z. and Chen X. (To appear) “Testing Constancy of Conditional Variance in High Dimension." Statistica Sinica
  2. Zhang, J. and Chen, X. (To appear) “Principal Envelope Model", Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference.
  3. Chen X., Ma. X and Zhou W. (To appear) “Kernel Density Regression." Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference.
  4. Zhang J. and Chen X. (2019) “Robust suffcient dimension reduction via ball covariance." Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 140, 144-154.
  5. Chen, X., Sheng, W., and Yin, X. (2018). “Effcient Sparse Estimate of Suffcient Dimension Reduction in High Dimension." Technometrics 60, 161-168.
  6. Chen, X., Ma, X., Wang, X. and Zhang, J. (2017). Effcient Feature Screening for Ultrahigh-dimensional Varying Coeffcient Models. Statistics and Its Interface, 10, 407-412.
  7. Wen, C., Zhu, S., Chen, X. and Wang, X. (2017). Adaptive Model-free Sure Independence Screening. Statistics and Its Interface, 10, 399-406.
  8. Ma, X., Chen, X. and Zhang, J. (2016). Fast Robust Feature Screening for Ultrahigh-dimensional Varying Coeffcient Models. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 87, 724-732.
  9. Su, Z., Zhu, G., Chen, X. and Yang, Y. (2016). Sparse Envelope Model: Effcient Estimation and Response Variable Selection in Multivariate Linear Regression. Biometrika, 103, 579-593.
  10. Chen, X., Cook, R. and Zou, C. (2015). Diagnostic studies in suffcient dimension reduction. Biometrika, 102, 545-558.
  11. Chen, X. and Zhu L. (2015). Connecting continuum regression with suffcient dimension reduction. Statistics & Probability Letters, 98, 44-49.
  12. Zou, C. and Chen, X. (2012). On the consistency of coordinate-independent sparse estimation with BIC. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 112, 248-255.
  13. Chen, X., Zou, C. and Cook, R. (2010). Coordinate-Independent Sparse Suffcient Dimension Reduction and Variable Selection. The Annals of Statistics, 38, 3696-3723.
  14. Chen, X. and Cook, R. (2010). Some Insights into Continuum Regression and its Asymptotic Properties. Biometrika, 97, 985-989.
  15. Prince, A., Chen, X. and Lun, K. C. (2005) Containing Acute Disease Outbreak. Methods of Information in Medicine, 44, 603-608.
