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2011/07 - 2014/06, 助理研究员, 物理系, 意大利罗马大学
2015/01 - 2015/12, 博士后, 流体与应用物理系, 特温特大学和埃因霍温科技大学,荷兰
2016/01 - 2018/01, 博士后, 物理系, 意大利罗马大学
2018/02 - 2019/07, 博士后, 应用物理系, 香港理工大学
2019/10 - 至今, 研究助理教授, 力学与航空航天工程系,南方科技大学


2005 - 2008, 罗马大学 物理学学士
2008 - 2010, 罗马大学“萨皮恩扎”理论物理学硕士
2010 - 2014, 罗马大学物理系博士


1) “Metastability at the Yield-Stress Transition in Soft Glasses", M. Lulli, R. Benzi, M. Sbragaglia, Physical Review X 8 (2), 021031 (2018)
2) “Highly optimized simulations on single- and multi-GPU systems of the 3D Ising spin glass model”, M. Lulli, M. Bernaschi, G. Parisi, Computer Physics Communications 196, 290-303 (2015)
3) “Fluidization and wall slip of soft glassy materials by controlled surface roughness”, L. Derzsi, D. Filippi, G. Mistura, M. Pierno, M. Lulli, M. Sbragaglia, M. Bernaschi, P. Garstecki, Physical Review E 95 (5), 052602 (2017)
4) “Out-of-equilibrium finite-size method for critical behavior analyses”, M. Lulli, G. Parisi, A. Pelissetto, Physical Review E 93 (2016)
5) “Fluidisation and plastic activity in a model soft-glassy material flowing in micro-channels with rough walls”, A. Scagliarini, M. Lulli, M. Bernaschi, M. Sbragaglia, Europhysics Letters, 114 64003 (2016)
6) “GPU based detection of topological changes in Voronoi diagrams", M. Bernaschi, M. Lulli, M. Sbragaglia, Computer Physics Communications 213, 19-28 (2017)
7) “Wall fluidization in two acts: from stiff to soft roughness”, L. Derzsi, D. Filippi, M. Lulli, G. Mistura, M. Bernaschi, P. Garstecki, M. Sbragaglia, M. Pierno, Soft matter 14 (7), 1088-1093 (2018)
8) “Canonical Quantum Gravity: Fundamentals and Recent Developments”, F. Cianfrani, O. M. Lecian, M. Lulli, G. Montani, World Scientific (2014)
9) “Solution of the noncanonicity puzzle in General Relativity: A new Hamiltonian formulation”, F. Cianfrani, M. Lulli, G. Montani, Physics Letters B 710 (4-5), 703-709 (2012)
10) “Configuration-tree theoretical calculation of the mean-squared displacement of particles in glass formers”, H.Y. Deng, C.S. Lee, M. Lulli, L.H. Zhang, C.H. Lam, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment (9), 094014 (2019)
11) “On the impact of controlled wall roughness shape on the flow of a soft material”, F. Pelusi, M. Sbragaglia, A. Scagliarini, M. Lulli, M. Bernaschi, S. Succi, EPL (Europhysics Letters) 127 (3), 34005 (2019)
12) “Parallel Quasi Exhaustive Search of Optimal Asset Allocation for Pension Funds”, M. Bernaschi, M. Carrozzo, M. Lulli, G. Piperno, D. Vergni, American Journal of Operations Research 6 (05), 387 (2016)
