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厉大晏,工学博士,南方科技大学前沿与交叉科学研究院生物医学工程系研究助理教授,主要从事光与散射介质相互作用、穿透散射介质光学聚焦与成像技术的研究,应用于生物医学成像。2013年至2020年先后在法国朗之万研究所,中科院上海光机所,Kla-Tencor (上海),新加坡南洋理工大学从事研究工作。已经在Sciences Advances、Optica、Applied Physics Letters、Optical Express、JOSSA等国际权威光学杂志发表论文10余篇,总引用152余次(他引143余次),当前h-index为7。担任光学杂志Optik编辑。



2009.9-2013.10 爱尔兰都柏林大学,光学工程 博士

2007.9 -2009.6  北京理工大学,物理电子学,硕士

2003.9-2007.6 湖南师范大学,电子信息工程,本科



2020.8 – now, 研究助理教授,南方科技大学

2018.6- 2020.6, 研究学者, 南洋理工大学, 新加坡

2017.5-2018.6, 系统工程师, KLA-Tencor 半导体检测设备技术有限公司(上海)

2016.3-2017.4 助理研究员, 中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所

2013.11-2015.11, 博士后,Institut Langevin, 巴黎市物理化学工业学校,巴黎高科



[1] D. Li, S.K.Sahoo, H.Q.Lam, D.Wang, and C.Dang, “Non-invasive optical focusing inside strongly scattering media with linear fluorescence”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 116, 241104 (2020).

[2] D. Li, E.Vella, D.Kvamme, and S.Ray, ”Speckle noise characteristics by rotating diffuser for a high repetition rate pulsed laser”, Kla-Tencor 2018 Engineering conference.

[3] G. Li, W. Yang, D. Li*, and G. Situ*, “Cyphertext-only attack on the double random-phase encryption: Experimental demonstration”, Opt. Express 25,8690-8697(2017).

[4] A. Badon, D. Li, G. Lerosey, A. C. Boccara, M. Fink and A. Aubry, “Smart optical coherence tomography for ultra-deep imaging through highly scattering media”, Sci. Adv. 2: e1600370 (2016).

[5] A. Badon, D. Li , G. Lerosey, A. C. Boccara, M. Fink and A. Aubry, “Spatio-temporal imaging of light transport in highly scattering media under white light illumination”, Optica, 3, 1160-1166 (2016)

[6] D. Li, D. P. Kelly and J. T. Sheridan, “Speckle suppression by doubly scattering systems,” Appl. Opt. 52 , 8617-8626 (2013).

[7] D. Li, D. P. Kelly and J. T. Sheridan, “K speckle: Space-time correlation function of doubly scattered light in an imaging system,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 30, 969-978 (2013).

[8]D. Li, D. P. Kelly, R. Kirner and J. T. Sheridan, “Speckle orientation in paraxial optical systems,” Appl. Opt. 51, A1-A10 (2012)

[9] D. Li, D. P. Kelly and J. T. Sheridan, “Three-dimensional static speckle fields: Part I. Theory and a numerical investigation,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 28, 1896-1903 (2011).

[10] D. Li, D. P. Kelly and J. T. Sheridan, “Three-dimensional static speckle fields: Part II. Experimental investigation,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 28, 1904-1908 (2011).
