1. Access through CARSI/Shibboleth.

It is recommended to use this method for off-campus access.

Click the following links to access the databases and log in with CAS account. For details, please refer to General Guide for off-campus access of CARSI Shibboleth.docx.

•   ACSASCE美国土木工程师协会数据库ASME美国机械工程师协会数据库Annual ReviewsAIP

•   Britannica Academic大英百科全书学术版

•   ClinicalkeyCNKI中国知网数据库Cambridge Journals/Books Online

•   EBSCO(ASP/BSP)ECLL中国语言和语言学百科全书EIEmerald


•   Journal of Environmental Quality电子期刊(NSTL)JoVE

•   科学文库

•   NatureNEJM

•   OSAOxford Journals Collection(牛津期刊数据库)Oxford English Dictionary(牛津英语辞典)


•   Reaxys人大复印报刊资料数据库RSC

•   Scopus SIAMScienceDirectScience期刊SciValSpringer MaterialsSpringerlink/Springer Protocols 

•   Taylor & Francis期刊

•   Water Environment Research电子期刊(NSTL)Web of Science(SCI/SSCI/CPCI/CSCD)Wiley期刊和图书(含AGU期刊)万方数据库文泉学堂

•   智慧芽(PatSnap全球专利数据库)

More databases will support this method for off-campus access in the future. For details, please refer to https://www.carsi.edu.cn/resourcenologin.html. (Please note that the trial databases shown on this page have not been applied for trials, you might recommend databases via “Recommend a Purchase”.)

2. Access most of the Library’s E-resources through the University VPN.

Visit https://vpn.sustech.edu.cn 

How to apply for a VPN account:http://zzjg.sustech.edu.cn/detail.html?app_alias=oits&alias=2f91cf206b70264bbdf0cca6a9108477

  • For questions about the application and the use of VPN accounts, please consult Information Technology Services at its@sustech.edu.cn or call 0755-88010777.

3. Access through personal account or institutional account of the database.

Patrons need to register a personal account on the database website (or APP) and activate “Remote Access” on campus. After that, you can log in the personal account to access off campus. This is normally used with databases including ACM, APS, SPIE, Duxiu Chaoxing Ebooks and Kuke Digital Music Library.

For databases including AMS, MathSciNet and CSMAR, patrons do not need to be on campus to activate “Remote Access” of personal accounts.

Institutional Account: Some databases can be accessed off campus using institutional accounts, currently this method is mainly used for 博看期刊数据库.

For details, please refer to User Guide for Off-Campus Access through Personal or Institutional Account Registration 2024.docx.
