Notice of the Opening of Group Study Rooms on the First Floor of the Library

Release time:2017-04-03238

The library’s group study rooms are available for faculty and students of the university to study and discuss on a self-service basis.

I .  Opening hours and locations

  Opening hours: Same as opening hours of the library (8:00-22:00).

  Location: Room G101~105 on the first floor of the Library

II.  Making reservation and using group study rooms

1.  To reserve group study rooms, applicants may use the same user name and password as assigned by the university authentication system in either way:

(1) Click on “reserve group study room” at the bottom of the library homepage;

(2) Scan two-dimensional code, click on upper right corner, select to open in browser, and then make reservation through booking system of group study room .

2. Each applicant in a group (not less than 3 person) can book a room for up to 2 hours. Booking can be made 2 days in advance. At least 3 university card numbers should be registered in the system when making reservation request.

3. If applicants need to change reservation, please log on to cancel the reservation before the appointment time of reservation.

III.  User instruction

1. Users should comply with national laws as well as regulations of the university, and group study rooms are for use of learning and research only;

2.  Protect public property, do not move the furniture and equipment in the room;

3.  Food and drink is not allowed in the room. To keep the room clean, trash should be taken away while leaving;

    4.  Users shall take care of personal belongings, especially those electronic devices. The library is not responsible for any loss of unattended belongings.

5.When appointment time of reservation expires, users should leave the room, clean up all personal items, and close the door. Library materials that are temperately borrowed and not check-out should be placed on the truck outside the group discussion room.

For assistance, please contact the counter staff at: 0755-88010800.



                                                                                                          Library of Southern University of Science and Technology

                                                                                                                                              April 5th, 2017
