Trial on Factiva

Release time:2017-07-03251

Information Page:

Access URL:

Period of validity : Jun. 28 – Jul. 28,2017

Factiva is a global collection of licensed news, web content, and company data from thousands of publishers, in 28 languages, from nearly every country worldwide.

• Industry-leading content set & archive: premium licensed sources as well as a curated set of pictures, videos, websites, blogs & message boards.

• Flexible & powerful search: easy-to- use code lookup, comprehensive Boolean search query and Factiva Expert Searches, which are curated searches for difficult-to-find topics.

• Easily disseminate information: by sharing articles on the fly or through Factiva’s newsletter builder that can be customized with your corporate colors and logo. Share content via enterprise integration API and embeddable widgets while honoring copyright holders.

• Companies & Executives: essential information on industries, executives and public and private companies.

• Charts: Factiva charting helps users visualize data by converting complex search results into visuals that tell a powerful story.
