Information Literacy Training Embedded in the Classes of Writing and Communication for SHSS Successfully Completed!

Release time:2020-09-15267

Writing and Communication is a compulsory course of general education offered by the School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS) for all freshmen, thus SUSTech becomes the first university of science and technology to offer compulsory writing courses for undergraduates in China. Since the fall semester of 2018, the library has been working with Yang Li and Zhou Xiumei, teachers from SHSS to provide integrated embedded classes for the course every semester. So far, the cooperative training has been conducted for four semesters.

Through two-hour embedded classes, the subject librarian introduced the electronic resources of the library to students, explaining the basics of information retrieval and how to use some popular databases, which is very practical. Through the hands-on practice, the students learned to search and use scholarly resources for their study and research.

(Grace Zhang, the subject librarian are introducing the library resources in the class)

For the spring semester of 2020, some students chose topics such as academic publishing, reading, how to use the library when writing their final papers for Writing and Communication. The following are three highlighting paragraphs from the papers.









By cooperating with colleges and departments, the library provides truly great embedded teaching support for the Center of Language, the Department of Mechanical Engineering, the School of Medicine, and the School of Engineering.

The team of subject librarians is committed to providing trainings through lectures, embedded courses and orientation training. The lectures of information literacy education are held twice a month to introduce the resources and services of the library, the use of Chinese and English databases and information retrieval skills. In 2019, the library provided 95 sessions of information literacy education, attracting a total of 2,865 participants. In the spring semester of 2020, information literacy education was conducted online through videos, and the training team has recorded multiple training videos and MG animations. All the training courseware and videos can be downloaded under the Information Literacy Education on the library website. The various online and on-site trainings give students not only the opportunity to practice their academic research skills, but also improve their information retrieval skills.
