Talent Program



Name Position Title
Xue Qikun Vice-Chairperson, University Council, SUSTech President, Chair Professor Member of the American Physical Society (APS)
Chen Shiyi Honorary Dean,Sifakis Research Institute for Trustworthy Autonomous Systems, Chair Professor,Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering Member of the American Physical Society (APS), Fellow, Institute of Physics(IOP)
Liu Chongxuan Chair Professor, School of Environmental Science and Engineering Fellow, The Geological Society of America (GSA)
Liu Yu Associate Professor, Department of Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering Fellow, Higher Education Academy ( FHEA), Royal Aeronautical Society, RAeS
Shi Yuhui Deputy Head, Computer Science and Engineering, Deputy Head, Center for Computational Science and Engineering, Chair Professor, Computer Science and Engineering, Chair Professor, Sifakis Research Institute for Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Sun Xiaowei Dean, Institute of Nanoscience and Applications, Chair Professor, Electronic and Electrical Engineering/School of Microelectronics Fellow, The Optical Society of America (OSA), Fellow, Institute of Physics(IOP), Fellow, The Society for Information Display (SID), Fellow, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE Fellow)
Yang Shuanghua Chair Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Fellow, The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), Fellow, Higher Education Academy ( FHEA), Fellow of Institute of Measurement and Control
Yu Hongyu Professor, Dean of School of Microelectronics Fellow, The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
Zheng Chunmiao Dean,Shenzhen Institute of Sustainable Development, Chair Professor, Environmental Science and Engineering Fellow, The Geological Society of America (GSA), American Geophysical Union
Zheng Yan Chair Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Associate Director, SUSTech Office of Research Fellow, The Geological Society of America (GSA), American Geophysical Union
Zhang Bi Deputy Dean, College of Engineering, Chair Professor, Mechanical and Energy Engineering Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Fellow, The International Academy for Production Engineering(CIRP)
Chen Xiaofei Department Head, Chair Professor, Department of Earth and Space Sciences, Dean, Institute of Risk Analysis Prediction and Management Fellow, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
Lv Zhouguang Professor, Deputy Head, Department of Materials Science and Engineering Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry
Wang Lianping Department Head,Center for Computational Science and Engineering, Chair Professor Department of Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering Member of the American Physical Society (APS), Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Xia Keqing Department Head,SUSTech Center for Complex Flows and Soft Matter Research, Chair Professor,Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering, Chair Professor,Physics Member of the American Physical Society (APS)
Hisao Ishibuchi Chair Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,Chair Professor, Sifakis Research Institute for Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Liu Yijun Chair Professor, Department Head, Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Zhang Wenqing Professor, Materials Science and Engineering, Professor, Mathematics Member of the American Physical Society (APS)
Liu Junguo Chair Professor, Environmental Science and Engineering Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, UK, Fellow, Royal Meteorological Society
Shen Ping Deputy Head, Chair Professor, Electronic and Electrical Engineering Fellow, The Optical Society of America (OSA), Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Fellow, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE Fellow)
Wang Peng Chair Professor, Department of Pharmacology Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
He Zhihai Chair Professor, Electronic and Electrical Engineering Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Jiang Xingyu Chair Professor, Department Head, Department of Biomedical Engineering Fellow for the American Institute for Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering (AIMBE), Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry
Shao Qiman Department Head, Department of Statistics and Data Science, Chair Professor, Department of Statistics and Data Science, Chair Professor, SUSTech International Center for Mathematics Fellow of International Mathematical Statistics Association
Xu Zhenghe Chair Professor, Materials Science and Engineering Fellow of the Canadian Institute of Mining and Petroleum
Xiao Guozhi Deputy Dean, School of Medicine, Department Head,Laboratory Animal Research Center, Professor,Department of Biochemistry Fellow, American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR)
YUAN Hongyan Associate Professor Department of Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Zhang Dongxiao Chair Professor,Environmental Science and Engineering Fellow, The Geological Society of America (GSA)
Georgios Theodoropoulos Chair Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chair Professor,Sifakis Research Institute for Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Fellow of The Royal Society Of Arts
Zhang Qingfeng Deputy Head, professor, Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering Fellow, The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
Wang Hong Vice Provost, Dean, Graduate School, Chair Professor, Materials Science and Engineering Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Hong Wei Professor,Deputy Head, Department of Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Lin Jian Dean of Advanced Institute for Ocean Research, Chair Professor of Ocean Science and Engineering, Director of the Preparatory Office of Shenzhen Ocean University Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Fellow, The Geological Society of America (GSA), American Geophysical Union
Jason Phipps Morgan Chair Professor, Ocean Science and Engineering American Geophysical Union
WEI HUANG Chair Professor,College of Business, Chair Professor,National Center for Applied Mathematics,SUSTech, Shenzhen Fellow, Association for Information Systems
Wei QiHuo Professor,Mechanical and Energy Engineering Fellow, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE Fellow)
Zhu Qiang Chair Professor, Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining
Liu Ji Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining
Xu Minghua Professor, Department of Chemistry Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry
Liu Guoping Chair Professor, School of System Design and Intelligent Manufacturing Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Fellow, The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
Yu Shuhong Dean, College of Science, Dean, Institute of Innovative Materials, Southern University of Science and Technology, Deputy Dean, Guangming Advanced Research Institute, Chair Professor, Chemistry, Chair Professor, Materials Science and Engineering Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry
Duan Guangren Dean, Chair Professor, School of System Design and Intelligent Manufacturing Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Fellow, The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
Zhao Tianshou Dean, Energy Institute for Carbon Neutrality, Chair Professor, Mechanical and Energy Engineering Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry
Dai Jiansheng Chair professor, Mechanical and Energy Engineering Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Fellow of The Royal Society Of Arts, Institution of Mechanical Engineers(IMechE)
MA Zhaoyuan Professor, School of System Design and Intelligent Manufacturing, Professor, College of Business Fellow, Institute of Physics(IOP)
Liu Derong Chair Professor, School of System Design and Intelligent Manufacturing Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Xie Zuowei Dean, Shenzhen Grubbs Institute, Chair Professor, Chemistry Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry
Jing Bing-yi Deputy Head, Chair Professor, Department of Statistics and Data Science Fellow of International Mathematical Statistics Association, Fellow of American Statistical Association
LI Guixin Assistant Dean, College of Engineering, Professor, Materials Science and Engineering Fellow, The Optical Society of America (OSA)
Hou Shengtao Deputy Head,Department of Biology, Professor, Department of Neuroscience Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology
Xu YING Chair Professor, Department of Human Cell Biology and Genetics Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Meng Qinghu Department Head, Chair Professor, Electronic and Electrical Engineering Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Yu Ming Chair Professor, Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Chair Professor, National Center for Applied Mathematics,SUSTech, Shenzhen Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Zhang hong Chair Professor, Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering, Chair Professor, Computer Science and Engineering Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Guo Shuxiang Chair Professor, Electronic and Electrical Engineering Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Fu Minyue Chair Professor, School of System Design and Intelligent Manufacturing Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Fellow of the International Federation of Automatic Control
Cheng Chun Associate Professor, Materials Science and Engineering Vebleo Fellow
Lin Zhiyun Professor, Deputy Dean, School of System Design and Intelligent Manufacturing Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Fellow, The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
Li Jun Chair Professor, Chemistry Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
Quan Zewei Deputy Dean,Academy for Advanced Interdisciplinary Sciences, Professor, Chemistry Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry
Tan Bin Deputy Dean, College of Science, Chair Professor, Deputy Head, Chemistry Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry
Zheng Zhiping Department Head, Chair Professor, Chemistry Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry
Yang Xueming Vice President, Department Head, Center for Advanced Light Source, Dean, Guangming Advanced Research Institute,Acting Dean,Academy for Advanced Interdisciplinary Sciences, Chair Professor, Chemistry Member of the American Physical Society (APS), Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry
Qiu Li Chair Professor, School of System Design and Intelligent Manufacturing Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Fellow of the International Federation of Automatic Control
Yu Dapeng Chair Professor, Physics, Dean, Institute for Quanfum Science and Engineering Member of the American Physical Society (APS)
Tang Ke Professor, Acting Head, Computer Science and Engineering, Deputy Dean(Acting), Graduate School Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Feng Huijuan Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Energy Engineering Fellow, Higher Education Academy ( FHEA)
Bai Jiaming Associate Professor, Mechanical and Energy Engineering Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining
Liu Weishu Deputy Head, Professor, Materials Science and Engineering Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry
ZELMANOV EFIM ISAAKOVICH Department Head, International Center for Mathematics, Chair Professor, Mathematics Fellow, American Mathematical Society