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ZHANG Zhuo-Song
Associate Professor

Research Interests

Asymptotic theory in probability and statistics; Stein’s method; Probability theory in statistical physics, Functional data analysis; Nonparametric statistics; Random graph theory.

Education Background

2013.08-2017.07  Department of Statistics,The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.Ph.D

2009.09-2013.06  School of Mathematics and Statistics, Wuhan University, China. B.Sc.

Work Experience

1.     Associate Professor at SUSTech, 2024—present

2.     Assistant Professor at SUSTech, 2022—2023

3.     SEW Visiting Assistant Professor at UCSD, 2021—2022

4.     Research Fellow at NUS, 2019—2021

5.     Research Fellow at University of Melbourne, 2017--2019


[1] Q.-M. Shao and Z.-S. Zhang. (2016). “Identifying the limiting distribution by a general approach of Stein’s method”, Sci. China Math., vol. 59, 2379–2392.

[2] Q.-M. Shao and Z.-S. Zhang. (2019). “Berry–Esseen bounds of normal and non-normal approximation for unbounded exchangeable pairs”, Ann. Probab., vol. 47, 61–108.

[3] Q.-M. Shao, M.-C. Zhang and Z.-S. Zhang. (2021), “Cramér-type moderate deviations for non-normal approximation”. Ann. Appl. Probab. Vol. 31, 247–283.

[4] Q.-M. Shao and Z.-S. Zhang (2022), “Berry–Esseen bounds for multivariate nonlinear statistics with applications to M-estimators and stochastic gradient descent algorithms”. Bernoulli 28 (3), 1548-1576.

[5] Z.-S. Zhang (2022), “Berry–Esseen bounds for generalized U -statistics”. Electron. J. Probab 27, 1–36.

[6] Z.-S. Zhang, “Cramér-type moderate deviations of normal approximation for exchangeable pairs”. Available at arXiv: 1901.09526. To appear in Bernoulli.

[7] A. Roellin and Z.-S. Zhang, “Dense multigraphon-valued stochastic processes and edge-changing dynamics in the configuration model”. To appear in Annals of Applied Probability.
