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Associate Professor

Research Interests:
◆ Numerical Partial Differential Equations
◆ Multiscale Modeling and Simulations of Moving Contact Lines in Multiphase Flow
◆ Sparse Representation of Data and Feature Selection in High Dimensions

Professional Experience:
◆ Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Southern University of Science and Technology, 2015 - present.
◆ Research Fellow, National University of Singapore, 2013 - 2015.
◆ Teaching Assistant, HKUST, 2008 - 2012.
◆ Research Assistant, HKUST, 2009 - 2010.

Educational Background:
◆ Ph.D. of Applied Mathematics, HKUST, 2013.
◆ M.Phil. of Applied Mathematics, HKUST, 2009.
◆ B.S. of Mathematics, USTC, 2007.

Honors & Awards:
◆ HKMS Best Thesis Award, 2015.
◆ “Method for the Production of Ultrapure Phosphorus by Zone Melting in a Non-Flammable Environment, and the Apparatus Used in Such Method”, US Patent: US20110212405 A1, 2011.
◆ Guanghua Prize, USTC, 2006.

Selected Publication:
◆ Z. Zhang, W. Ren, and W. E, "The distinguished limits of Navier slip model of moving contact line problem with Stokes flow", preprint.
◆ Z. Zhang, W. Q. Ren, “Simulation of moving contact lines in two-phase polymeric fluids”, submitted to Computers and Mathematics with Applications.
◆ W. Bian, Z. Zhang, and D. Tao, "Sign Consistency for the Linear Programming Discriminant Rule", submitted to IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.
◆ J. H. Guo, J. C. Hu, B. Y. Jing, and Z. Zhang, “Spline-Lasso in High-Dimensional Linear Regression”, Journal of the American Statistical Association, accepted.
◆ Z. Zhang, X. P. Wang, and Y. L. Mi, “Phase-field modeling and simulation of the zone melting purification process”, SIAM Applied Math, 2014, 74(4), 1115-1135.
◆ Z. Zhang, S. X. Xu, and W. Q. Ren, “Derivation of a Continuum Model and the Energy Law for Moving Contact Lines with Insoluble Surfactant”, Physics of Fluids, 2014, 26, 062103.
◆ Z. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, X. J. He, X. P. Wang, and Y. L. Mi, “Purification of phosphorus by a zero pollution zone melting technique”, Separation and Purification Technology, 2012, 98(34), 249-254.
