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Yuan Haijun

Haijun Yuan, Ph.D. graduated from Peking University, Teaching Professor of the Ideological and Political Education and Research Center, SUSTech. More than 20 papers were published in Journal of Dialectics of Nature, Studies in Dialectics of Nature, etc.Now he is working on a project in social epistemology from National Philosophy and Social Sciences Found.

Research Interests

Philosophy of Science


Social Ontology

Science Policy

PublicationsRead Mor


  1. The Cognitive Structure of Scientific Community, Philosophy Analysis, 2020, Vol11(4):31-42.

  2. Three Models for the Governance of Scientific Controversies, Studies in Dialectics of Nature, 2018, Vol. 34(1): 33-38.

  3. Science and Democracy: from Constructivism to Constitutionalism. Science and Society, 2015, Vol.5(1): 72-81.

  4. On the conception of social in the Strong Program and its methodological limits. Social Sciences in Guangdong, 2014, Vol. 31(4): 73-78.

  5. The Turn of Science Studies: from Science-Philosophy Tradition to Sociological Perspectives. In Science, Technology and Sociology, edited by Hu Zhiqiang and Li Bing. Science Publishing House, 2013.

  6. Constructivism, the Flexibility and Public Participation in Environmental Controversies. Journal of Harbin technology University, 2013, Vol. 60(5): 69-73.

  7. A Study on the Methodology of Scientific Innovations. Journal of Inner Mongolia University, 2013, Vol. 57(5: 46-52.)

  8. The Strong Program, Scientism, and the Others. Science and Society, 2012, Vol. 2(1): 46-56.

  9. From the Philosophy of Scientific Practice to the Practical Philosophy of Science. Journal of Inner Mongolia University, 2011, Vol. 55(4): 57-62.

  10. On the Two Main Models of Western Science Studies and Its localization. Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University, 2011, Vol. 48(3): 41-47.

  11. Lab Studies and the End of Rationalism in the Philosophy of Science. Studies in Dialectics of Nature, 2007, Vol. 23(5): 39-45.

  12. On the Relationship Between the Strong Program and the Social Finitism. Journal of Inner Mongolia University, 2007, Vol. 51(1): 72-77.

  13. From the Strong Program to the Social Finitism. Journal of Inner Mongolia University, 2007, Vol. 51(6): 45-51.

  14. On the Interaction of Knowledge and Practice. Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University, 2007, Vol. 44(4): 62-68.

  15. The Turn of Science Studies: from Science-Philosophy Tradition to Sociological Perspectives. Journal of Dialectics of Nature, 2005, Vol. 50(4): 47-55.

  16. On the Language, Reality and the Social Nature of Scientific Knowledge. Journal of Inner Mongolia University, 2003, Vol. 47(2): 42-50.

  17. Why not Accept the Social Constructivism? Studies in Dialectics of Nature, 2002, Vol. 18(10): 74-77..

  18. The Coming of Knowledge Economics and the Marginalization of Intellectuals. Journal of Inner Mongolia University, 2000, Vol. 44(6): 46-51.

  19. Demarcating and Progressing in the Comparing of Thoughts. Journal of Inner Mongolia University, 1999, Vol. 43(3): 85-89.

  20. A study on the origins and solutions of the ecological crisis. Journal of Inner Mongolia University, 1999, Vol. 43(4): 72-78.



  1. Discourses of Scientific Criticism. People’s Publishing House, 2014. ISBN: 978-7-01-014128-2.

  2. The Wisdom of Ecology in the Mongolia Culture. Co-author with Wu Feng and Bao Qingde, Liaoning National Publishing House, 2009. ISBN: 9787807227311.

  3. Science in Democratic Society, by Philip Kitcher, co-translated with Bai Huiren. Zhe Jiang University Press, 2019.

  4. The One culture? A Conversation about Science. J. A. Labinger and H. M. Collins, eds. Co-translated with Zhang Zengyi, Wang Guoqiang and Sun Xiaochun. Shanghai Science, Technology Education Press. 2006. ISBN: 7542827642.

  5. A Study on the Main Conceptions of Scientific Methodology. Co-author with Sun Xiaoli, Zhang Zengyi, etc. Xuelin Press, 2004.


  • Committee Member, Society for Sociology of Science of China

  • Committee Member, Society for Scientific Methodology of China
