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Xinxin Han
Assistant Professor


Dr. Xinxin Han is an Assistant Professor in the School of Public Health and Emergency Management, SUStech. Dr. Han received her Doctor of Philosophy degree in Public Policy and Administration (Health Policy Track) from the George Washington University in the United States, and her Master of Science degree in Health Services Research, Policy and Administration from the University of Minnesota (Twin Cities) School of Public Health in the United States. Her work primarily focuses on health policy evaluation, health workforce, primary care, and access to care. During her doctoral studies, Dr. Han was a Senior Research Associate at the Fitzhugh Mullan Professor of Health Workforce Equity, Health Workforce Research Center (HWRC) at the Milken Institute School of Public Health, George Washington University. At HWRC, Dr. Han led and participated in many projects funded by the United States Department of Health, Health Resources and Services Administration, and helped produce policy brief. Her work has focused on examining evaluating the impact of health insurance policy (i.e., Medicaid expansion), health workforce policy (i.e., the National Health Service Corps), and health technology (i.e., telehealth) on enhancing the distribution of health care resources and the capacity of community health centers. Her work has been published in leading journals in the field of public health and health policy, including Health Affairs, American Journal of Public Health, and American Journal of Preventive Medicine, and presented at international conferences including AcadmyHealth Annual Research Meeting and Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management Research Conference. She currently serves as a peer reviewer for several SCI journals.



2015.08-2019.08   George Washington University, United States, Doctor of Philosophy in Public Policy and Administration (Health Policy Track)

2013.08-2014.08   University of Minnesota (Twin Cities) School of Public Health, United States, Master of Science in Health Services Research, Policy and Administration

2008.09-2012.06   Guangxi Medical University, China, Bachelor of Art



2021.11-Present    Southern University of Science and Technology, School of Public Health and Emergency Management, China, Assistant Professor

2019.11-2021.11   Tsinghua University, School of Medicine, China, Postdoctoral Fellow (Shui Mu Tsinghua Scholar)

2015.09-2019.08   George Washington University, Fitzhugh Mullan Professor of Health Workforce Equity, Health Workforce Research Center, United States, Senior Research Associate

2013.10-2015.01   University of Minnesota (Twin Cities) State Health Access Data Assistant Center, United States, Research Assistant

2014.05-2014.08   University of Minnesota (Twin Cities) Rural Health Research Center, United States, Research Assistant



1.    Evaluation of the capacity of primary care institutes and workforce

2.    Community-based digital chronic care management of hypotension and diabetes

3.    Studies of hierarchical medical system under Healthy China context

4.    Emergency epidemic response management and prevention policy



1.    China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, Special Funding, 2021T140362, Optimal Allocation of Rural Health Human Resources, General Funding, 2021.06-2021.10, ¥150, 000, Principal Investigator

2.    China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, 2021M691738, Optimal Allocation of Community Health Human Resources, 2021.06-2021.10, ¥50, 000, Principal Investigator

3.    United States Department of Health, Health Resources & Services Administration, Health Workforce Research Center Cooperative Agreement Program, U81HP26493, Does NHSC Clinician Presence Affect the Use of Temporary Personnel and Overall Costs of Medical Staff in FQHCs?, 2018.09-2019.08, $11, 2500, Project Lead

4.    George Washington University, Summer Dissertation Fellowship, Essays on Evaluating Policies for Improving the Adequacy and Distribution of Health Care and Health Workforce in the United States, 2019.06-2019.08, $6000, Principal Investigator

5.    George Washington University Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Management, Kee Doctoral Research Award, The Spillover Effect of State Nurse Staffing Regulations on Nurse-Related Clinic Nonlicensed Personnel Staffing in the U.S. Hospitals, 2017.03-2018.03, $3000, Principal Investigator


PUBLICATION(#co-first author, *corresponding author)

1.     Han X, Jiang F, Shen L, Liu Y, Liu T, Liu H, Wang P, Yang Z, T YL, Zhu J. Workplace violence, workforce stability and well-being in China's psychiatric hospitals. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2021. Accepted.

2.     Han X*, Pittman P, Ku L. The effect of National Health Service Corps clinician staffing on medical and behavioral health care costs in community health centers. Medical Care. 2021;59(S5):463-70. doi:10.1097/MLR.0000000000001610

3.     Han X*, Pittman P, Barnow B. Alternative approaches to ensuring adequate nurse staffing: the effect of state legislation on hospital nurse staffing. Medical Care. 2021;59(S5):428-33. doi:10.1097/MLR.0000000000001614

4.     Zhang J, Han X#, Yang Z, Wang Z, Zheng J, Yang Z, Zhu J. Radiology residency training in China: results from the first retrospective nationwide survey. Insights into Imaging. 2021;12(1):1-2. doi:10.1186/s13244-021-00970-2

5.     Han X, Li X, Cheng L, Wu Z, Zhu J. Performance of China's new medical licensing examination for rural general practice. BMC Medical Education. 2020;20(1):1-9. doi:10.1186/s12909-020-02234-x

6.     Han X*, Chen C, Pittman P. Use of temporary primary care providers in federally qualified health centers. Journal of Rural Health. 2021;37(1):61-8. doi:10.1111/jrh.12424

7.     Han X, Ku L. Enhancing staffing in rural community health centers can help improve behavioral health care. Health Affairs. 2019;38(12):2061-8. doi:10.1377/hlthaff.2019.00823

8.     Han X, Pittman P, Erikson C, Mullan F, Ku L. The role of National Health Service Corps clinicians in enhancing staffing and patient care capacity in community health centers. 2019. Medical Care. 2019;57(12):1002-7. doi:10.1097/MLR.0000000000001209

9.     Han X, Luo Q, Ku L. Medicaid expansion and grant funding increases helped improve community health center capacity. Health Affairs. 2017;36(1):49-56. doi:10.1377/hlthaff.2016.0929

10.   Han X*, Call KT, Pintor JK, Alarcon-Espinoza G, Simon AB. Reports of insurance-based discrimination in health care and its association with access to care. American Journal of Public Health. 2015;105(S3):S517-25. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2015.302668



2019, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, International Postdoctoral Exchange Fellowship Program (Talent-Introduction Program)

2019, Tsinghua University, Shui Mu Tsinghua Program



2018, AcademyHealth Health Workforce Interest Group Outstanding Abstract

2016/2019, The Journal of Rural Health, Exceptional Reviewer

2015-2018, George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health, Scholarship Award

2014, University of Minnesota (Twin Cities) School of Public Health, Research Day People's Choice Award



1.    Peer reviewer, Medical Care; Journal of Rural Health; BMC Health Services Research; Healthcare; Women's Health Issues; Journal of Patient Experience

2.    Member, AcademyHealth 2020 Annual Research Meeting Health Workforce Review Committee

3.    Member, AcademyHealth; Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management

4.    Member, Guangdong Preventive Medicine Association Social Medicine and Health Management Committee

5.    Member, Bay Area Healthy Young Scholar Collaboration Network Office


