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Xiao-Qiong Wang
Associate Researcher

Essential Information

Name:Xiao-Qiong Wang

Position:Associate Researcher

Email: wangxq@sustech.edu.cn

Office:Innovation Park Building 10,Room 102

Research Field: Ultracold atoms


Education background

2013.09—2019.11 Ph.D. in Physics, University of Science and Technology of China

2009.09—2013.7 B.S. in Applied Physics, University of Science and Technology of China


Working experience

2022.05—Now  Associate Researcher, Southern University of Science and Technology, China

2020.05—2022.04  Postdoctoral fellow, Southern University of Science and Technology, China

2019.12—2020.04  Visiting scholar, Southern University of Science and Technology, China


Papers and Patents

1. X.-Q. Wang#; G.-Q. Luo#; J.-Y. Liu; G.-H. Huang; Z.-X. Li; C. Wu; A. Hemmerich*; Z.-F. Xu*; Evidence for Quantum Stripe Ordering in a Triangular Optical Lattice, Phys. Rev. Lett. 131(22): 226001 (2023)

2. J.-Y. Liu; X.-Q. Wang*; Z.-F. Xu*; Realization of 87Rb Bose-Einstein condensates in higher bands of a hexagonal Boron-Nitride optical lattice, Chinese Phys. Lett. 40(8): 086701 (2023)

3. J.-Y. Liu#; G.-Q. Luo#; X.-Q. Wang*; A. Hemmerich; Z.-F. Xu*; Experimental realization of a high precision tunable hexagonal optical lattice, Optics Express 3(25): 44375 (2022).

4. X.-Q. Wang#, G.-Q. Luo#, J.-Y. Liu, W. V. Liu*, A. Hemmerich*, and Z.-F. Xu*, Evidence for an atomic chiral superfluid with topological excitations, Nature 596, 227 (2021).

5. X.-Q. Wang, Y.-X. Wang, X.-P. Liu, R. Qi, X.-C. Yao, Y.-A. Chen, and J.-W. Pan, Observation of state-to-state hyperfine-changing collisions in a Bose-Fermi mixture of 6Li and 41K atoms, Phys. Rev. A 101, 041601(R) (2020).

6. X.-Q. Wang, Y.-P. Wu, X.-P. Liu, Y.-X. Wang, H.-Z. Chen, M. Maraj, Y. Deng, X.-C. Yao*, Y.-A. Chen*, J.-W. Pan*, Oscillatory-like expansion of a Fermionic superfluid, Science Bulletin 65, 7–11 (2020).


Honors and Awards 

2021 The outstanding postdoctoral research fellow of Southern University of Science and Technology

2021 The certificate for High-Level Professional (national-level talent) in Shenzhen
