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WAN Minping
Deputy Head (Research)

◆ 2008/9 – 2011/9, 特拉华大学物理系 博士后
◆ 2011/10 – 2015/10, 特拉华大学物理系 Research Associate III
◆ 2015/10 -2020/10,南方科技大学 力学与航空航天系 副教授                        ◆2020/11 至现在,南方科技大学 力学与航空航天系 教授

◆ 1998 – 2002, 清华大学 工程力学系 本科
◆ 2002 – 2008,约翰霍普金斯大学 机械工程系 硕士/博士
◆ 2002 – 2003, 约翰霍普金斯大学Abel Wolman Fellowship
◆ Y. Yang, Y. Shi, M. Wan, W. H. Matthaeus, and S. Chen, “Energy cascade and its locality in compressible magnetohydrodynamic turbulence”, Physical Review E, 93 (061102R), 2016.
◆ S. Oughton, W. H. Matthaeus, M. Wan, and T. Parashar, “Variance anisotropy in compressible 3D MHD”, Journal of Geophysical Research, Space Physics, 121(5041), 2016.
◆ M. Wan, W. H. Matthaeus, V. Roytershteyn, T. N. Parashar, P. Wu, and H. Karimabadi, “Intermittency, coherent structures and dissipation in plasma turbulence”, Physics of Plasmas, 23(042307), 2016.
◆ Y. Yang, M. Wan, Y. Shi, K. Yang, S. Chen, “A hybrid scheme for compressible magnetohydrodynamic turbulence”, Journal of Computational Physics,306 (73), 2016.
◆ M. Wan, W. H. Matthaeus, V. Roytershteyn, H. Karimabadi, T. Parashar, P. Wu and M. Shay, “Intermittent dissipation and heating in 3D kinetic plasma turbulence”, Physical Review Letters, 114(175002), 2015..
◆ W. H. Matthaeus, M. Wan, S. Servidio, A. Greco, K. T. Osman, S. Oughton and P. Dmitruk, “Intermittency, nonlinear dynamics and dissipation in the solar wind and astrophysical plasmas”, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A, 373(20140154), 2015.
◆ M. Wan, A. F. Rappazzo, W. H. Matthaeus, S. Servidio, and S. Oughton, “Dissipation and reconnection in boundary-driven reduced magnetohydrodynamics”, Astrophysical Journal, 797(63), 2014. .
◆ P. Wu, M. Wan, W. H. Matthaeus, M. A. Shay, and M. Swisdak, “von Karman energy decay and heating of protons and electrons in a kinetic plasma”, Physical Review Letteers, 111(121105), 2013.
◆ J. A. Tessein, W. H. Matthaeus, M. Wan, K. T. Osman, D. Ruffolo, and J. Giacalone, “Association of suprathermal particles with coherent structures and shocks”, Astrophysical Journal, 776(L8), 2013.
◆ M. Wan, W. H. Matthaeus, S. Servidio, and S. Oughton, “Generation of X-points and secondary islands in 2D magnetohydrodynamic turbulence”, Physics of Plasmas, 20(042307), 2013.
◆ S. Oughton, M. Wan, S. Servidio, and W. H. Matthaeus, “On the origin of anisotropy in MHD turbulence: the role of higher-order correlations”, Astrophysical Journal, 768(10), 2013.
◆ H. Karimabadi, V. Roytershteyn, M. Wan, W. H. Matthaeus, W. Daughton, P. Wu, M. Shay, B. Loring, J. Borovsky, E. L. Leonardis, S. Chapman, and T. K. M. Nakamura, “Coherent structures, intermittent turbulence and dissipation in high-temperature plasmas”, Physics of Plasmas, 20(012303), 2013.
