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Zhenbing Tan
Assistant Researcher

Zhenbing Tan is an assistant researcher in Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology. He is an expert on low temperature physics, quantum transport and nano fabrication. His recent research interests focus on graphene topological state and superconductor hybrid device and nanowire topological state and superconductor hybrid device. He aims to develop core devices for topological computation.

Research Field

quantum transport, quantum computation


Educational Background

2005.09-2011.07, Ph.D. in Physics, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

2001.09-2005.07, B.S. in Physics, Wuhan University


Working Experience

2018.11-present Assistant professor, SUSTech Institute for Quantum Science and Technology

2012.02-2018.10 Postdoc, Low temperature laboratory, Aalto University

2011.08-2012.01 Research Assistance, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Papers and Patents

(8). Hanbury-Brown and Twiss exchange and non-equilibrium-induced correlations in disordered, four-terminal graphene-ribbon conductor, Z. B. Tan, T. Elo, A. Puska, J. Sarkar, P. Lähteenmäki, F. Duerr, C. Gould, L. Molenkamp, K. Nagaev and P. Hakonen, Scientific Reports 8,14952 (2018)

(7). Defects in h-BN tunnel barrier for local electrostatic probing of two dimensional materials, Ying Liu, Zhenbing Tan, Manohar Kumar, T. S. Abhilash, Guan-jun Liu, and Pertti Hakonen, APL Materials 6, 091102 (2018)

(6). Heat Switch and Thermoelectric Effects Based on Split Cooper Pairs and Elastic Co-tunneling, N.S. Kirsanov, Z. B. Tan, D.S. Golubev, P.J. Hakonen and G.B. Lesovik, arXiv:1806.09838 (2018)

(5). Low-noise correlation measurement based on software-defined-radio receiver and cooled microwave amplifiers, Teemu Nieminen, Pasi Lähteenmäki, Zhenbing Tan, Daniel Cox, and Pertti Hakonen, Reviews of scientific instruments 87, 114706 (2016)

(4). Cooper Pair Splitting by Means of Graphene Quantum Dots, Z. B. Tan, D. Cox, T. Nieminen, P. Lähteenmäki, and P. J. Hakonen, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 096602 (2015)

(3). Shot Noise in Lithographically Patterned Graphene Nanoribbons, Z. B. Tan, A. Puska, T. Nieminen, F. Duerr, C. Gould, L. W. Molenkamp, B. Trauzettel and P. J. Hakonen, Phys. Rev. B 88, 245415 (2013)

(2). Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations of a single layer graphene under dc current bias, Zhenbing Tan, Changling Tan, Li Ma, G. T. Liu, Li Lu and Changli Yang, Phys. Rev. B 84, 115429 (2011)

(1). Synthesis of isotopically-labeled graphite films by cold-wall chemical vapor deposition and electronic properties of graphene obtained from such films, Weiwei Cai, Richard D.Piner, Yanwu Zhu, and Xuesong Li, Zhenbing Tan, Herman Carlo Floresca, Changli Yang, Li Lu, M. J. Kim, Rodney S Ruoff, Nano Research, 2, 851 (2009)

