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Sun Zhifeng
Associate Professor

SUN Zhifeng


Ph.D., Developmental and Educational Psychology

Professional Experience:

◆2001-2014 Institute of Education, Nanjing University

◆2014-present Center of Ideological Education and Research, South University of Science and Technology of China


Email: sunzf@sustech.edu.cn

Official Accounts: QIHUIHOPE Yi-ology

Honors & Awards:

◆The first prize of the Third Young Teacher Teaching Competition of South University of science and technology(2019)

◆The second prize of The 14th Outstanding Achievement Award of Philosophy and Social Sciences in Jiangsu Province(The university course and teaching: Principles and problems,signed 3,2016)

◆The first prize of The 13th Excellent Achievement Award of Philosophy and Social Sciences in Jiangsu Province(The research on the adjustment of university curriculum structure and the employment of college students,signed 5,2014)

◆Excellent Achievement Prize of Humanities and Social Science in Nanjing University(2009)


◆Traditional Chinese Psychology

◆Educational and psychological assessment,Personality assessment


Introduction to Psychology(for college student)

Fifteen Lectures of Personality Shaping(for college student)


◆Zhang Hongxia, Lv Linhai, Sun Zhifeng(2015), College Curriculum and Teaching, Educational Science Press,2015.
◆Qi Juan, Wang Xiaoli, Sun Zhifeng(2014), 2-4 Grade students’ Working memory’s impact on their achievement in English and Chinese. Psychological Research,No.4.
◆Wang xiaoli, Sun Zhifeng, Chen Guopeng(2014), The Structure of Working Memory in Childhood. Psychological Exploration,Vol34(6):499-504.
◆Sun Zhifeng(2013),Exploring Structural Factors of College Curriculum to Improve Students' Employability: Based on a Survey of College Graduates, Tsinghua Journal of Education,No.4:108-113.
◆Sun Zhifeng(2013), The Employer's Expectation and Evaluation for the College Graduates Employability, Journal of Educational Science of Hunan Normal University,Vol12(1):73-77.
◆Jiang Yumei, Sun Zhifeng(2013), U-Multirank: Beyond the Theory and Method ,Journal of National Academy of Education,No.10.
◆Jiang Yumei,Sun Zhifeng, Zhang Hongxia(2013), A Sion-UK Comparative Study of Internationalization of Curriculum Based on Staff Investigations,Open Educational Research.vol19(4):74-83.
◆Zhifeng Sun(2011), Exploring Mechanism of Integreting Multiple Information into the Same Object(The 7th Chinese Psychologist Conference, Taibei,2011,9)
◆Zhifeng Sun, Hongxia Zhang, Yu Zheng(2010) , Freshmen’s Orientation Course in Research University: A Case Study in Nanjing University, Tsinghua Journal of Education.No.6,119-124
◆Zhifeng Sun(2010), A Repraisal of Hick’s Law with General Information Measures, Psychological Science, Vol.33 No.6,1451-1455
◆Zhifeng Sun(2009),Two kind of Psychological Process and Mechanism Research: Base on Quality-Energy-Information for One Consolidation View, Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences) vol.27,No.3 ,62-68
◆Zhifeng Sun(2008), See the Light and See the Sun: Two Methods Studying on Unconsciousness, Journal of Dialectics of Nature, No.2,39-42
◆Zhifeng Sun(2008), Preliminary Analysis on Brain Processing with “the Eight Diagrams” principle, psychological research No.3,24-28
◆Zhifeng Sun(2008), See the Light and See the Sun: Two Methods Studying on Unconsciousness, Journal of Dialectics of Nature, No.2,39-42
◆Zhifeng Sun, Min Lin(2006) , Construction and Development of Mophism: A Kind of Dynamic Formation on Genetic Epistemology, Psychological ScienceVol.29 No.2,499-501
◆Zhifeng Sun, Jing Wang ect. (2004), An Investigation of 1874 College Student’s AIDS Cogition in China, Chinese Mental Health Journal vol18 No.1, 63-64
◆Zhifeng Sun(2008), Analysis on employment management of College Student Research of Higher Education No.4, 87-88
◆Zhifeng Sun(2004), Communication and Coordination: Setting up College teacher’s informationize Centre on Yangtze River Delta, Exploring Education Development.No.1,10-11
◆Hongxia Zhang, Zhifeng Sun(2009),Should We Pay Attention to returned Faculty management, Public administration Tribune. No.4 Nanjing University Press
◆Hongxia Zhang, Zhifeng Sun(2004), Scientific Education View beyond Constructivism.Global Education. No.7,47-52
◆Min Lin, Zhifeng Sun(2006), A Review of Piaget’s Reflection Abstraction and Its Development. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences) vol.24,No.2,66-71
◆Min Lin, Ciping Deng, Zhifeng Sun, Qiwei Li(2007),The cognitive Neuroscience Basis of Behavior Inhibition: A Difference Analysis Based on Two Behavior Inhibition Task. Psychological Science, Vol.30 No.3,1120-1122
◆Xiaoming Li, Xiaoyi Fang, Rong Mao, Zhifeng Sun(2006), A Investigation of Young migrant’s AIDS Intervention In China,Public administration Tribune. No.3 Nanjing University Press
◆Li, Xiaoming; Stanton, Bonita; Wang, Bo; Mao, Rong; Zhang, Hongshia; Qu, Minfeng; Sun, Zhifeng; Wang, Jing: Cultural adaptation of the focus on kids program for college students in China. AIDS Education and Prevention, Vol 20(1), Feb 2008. 1-14.
◆Lesley Cottrell, Xiaoming Li,Bonita Stanton, Carole Harris, Dawn D'Alessandri , Zhifeng Sun ,Mingfeng Qu ,Rong Mao and Hongshia Zhang: Perceptions regarding preventive sexual practices and communication with sexual partners among Chinese college students Preventive Medicine, Volume 40, Issue 2, February 2005, 189-196
◆Xingguang Chen, Xiaoming Li, Bonita Stanton, Rongmao, Zhifeng Sun, Hongxia Zhang, Mingfeng Qu, Jing wang, Ronald Thomas: Patterns of cigarette smoking among students from 19 college and university in Jiangsu Province, China: a latent class analysis. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 76(2004)153-163
◆Hongshia Zhang, Bonita Stanton, Xiaoming Li, Rong Mao, Zhifeng Sun, Linda Kaljee, Margaret Clemens, Sheila Ravendhran, Mingfeng Qu Perceptions and Attitudes Regarding Sex and Condom Use Among Chinese College Students: A Qualitative Study AIDS and Behavior. New York: Jun 2004.Vol.8, Iss. 2; 105
Other Info:
1、Jean.Piaget.Compare and Transformation: Mophism and Category(chapter 12,13,14) East China Normal University Press 2005.9
2、Handbook of Children Psychology/ edited-in-chief, William Damon and Richard M. Lerner. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons,2006 , Dynamic system theory (chapter 5) East China Normal University Press 2009.9
3、Edworthy. A Stress Management Translated by Zhifeng Sun Jiangsu Education Press 2010.3
◆Research Grants
01、2002-2004 , Study on STD and AIDS Intervention of Young Migrants in China NIMH Role Preside
02、2002-2003, Youth AIDS Behavior Intervention Research, WAF Grant Role Preside
03、2003-200, Study on Lingchuan’ Economic and Behavioural Science of Using Typhoid Vaccine in Guangxi Province, IVI Grant Role Preside
04、2005-2006, Curriculum’s Globlization, Pulic administration Youth Program Role Preside
05、2002-2003, College Student’s Self-Identity and Mental Health Education research, Nanjing University Youth Program Preside
06、2010-2012, Research on College student employment and Curriculum structure in University, National social science program  Role Preside
07、2009-2011, Establishing Assessmental System Supporting Creative talent Cultivation, Reform of Higher Education Teaching in Jiangsu Province Program Role Preside
08、2010-2011, The Relation between Personal Epistemological Belief and Academic Performance on College Student in Research University, Nanjing University Youth Program Preside
