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LI Zhe
Associate Professor

Zhe Li received his bachelor’s degree in Materials Chemistry from Peking University in 2014. He received his PhD degree in analytical chemistry from Purdue University, under the supervision of Prof. Chengde Mao, who is the pioneer expert of DNA nanotechnology. Between 2019 and 2023, he worked as a postdoc scholar at the University of Washington with Dr. David Baker, the world pioneer of protein design and academician of the US National Academy of Sciences. In December 2023, Dr. Li joined the Department of Biomedical Engineering of Southern University of Science and Technology as assistant professor. He has been awarded the 2019 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad, the 2019 M.G. Mellon Award in Analytical Chemistry of Purdue University, and the 2023 National Natural Science Fund for Excellent Young Scientists Fund Program (Overseas). He has published about 20 papers in high-level international research journals, including Science, Nature Materials, Advanced Materials and Journal of the American Chemical Society.



2014-2019 Department of Chemistry, Purdue University

Ph.D., Analytical Chemistry, Supervisor: Prof. Chengde Mao

2010-2014 College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University

B.S., Materials Chemistry, Supervisor: Prof. Limin Qi


Work Experience

2024.5-present Department of Biomedical Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology, Associate Professor

2023-2024.5 Department of Biomedical Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology, Assistant Professor

2019-2023 Institute for Protein Design, University of Washington, Postdoc Scholar, Supervisor: Prof. David Baker


Research Interest

Protein design; DNA nanotechnology; Bionanomaterials; Self-assembly


Honor and awards

2023 National Natural Science Fund for Excellent Young Scientists Fund Program (Overseas)

2019 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad

2019 M.G. Mellon Award in Analytical Chemistry of Purdue University


Representative publications

1. Li, Z.*; Wang, S.*; Nattermann, U.*; Bera, A. K.; Borst, A. J.; ... Baker, D. Accurate computational design of three-dimensional protein crystals. Nat. Mater. 2023, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41563-023-01683-1. (*Contributed equally)

2. Song, J.*; Li, Z.*; Wang, P.*; Meyer, T.; Mao, C.; Ke, Y. Reconfiguration of DNA Molecular Arrays Driven by Information Relay. Science 2017, 357, eaan3377. (*Contributed equally)

3. Zheng, M.*; Li, Z.*; Zhang, C.; Seeman, N. C.; Mao, C. Powering≈ 50 µm Motion by a Molecular Event in DNA Crystals. Adv. Mater. 2022, 2200441. (*Contributed equally)

4. Li, Z.; Zheng, M.; Liu, L.; Seeman, N. C.; Mao, C. 5′-Phosphorylation Strengthens Sticky-End Cohesions. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143, 14987–14991.

5. Li, Z.; Liu, L.; Zheng, M.; Zhao, J.; Seeman, N. C.; Mao, C. Making Engineered 3D DNA Crystals Robust. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 15850–15855.
