Dr. Hanlin Liu joined Southern University of Science and Technology in 2020 as an assistant professor. Currently, his research interests lie in operations management field focused on cooperative game theory, service and healthcare operations, sharing economy etc.
Working Experience
2018-2020, Postdoc Researcher, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Minnesota. Advisor: Saif Benjaafar
Research Interest
Cooperative games and its applications; Service and queueing systems; Sharing economy etc.
2014-2018, Ph.D, Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, City University of Hong Kong. Advisors: Min Xie and Yimin Yu
2010-2014, B.S., Applied Mathematics, Special Class for the Gifted Young, University of Science and Technology of China
Price-Directed Cost Sharing and Demand Allocation among Service Providers with Multiple Demand Sources and Multiple Facilities (with Saif Benjaafar, Huihui Wang, Yimin Yu), forthcoming in Manufacturing and Service Operations Management
Dimensioning On-Demand Vehicle Sharing Systems (with Saif Benjaafar, Einar Gunnarsson, Shining Wu), forthcoming in Management Science
Incentives for Shared Services: Multi-Server Queueing Systems with Priorities (with Yimin Yu), working paper
Market Design for Multi-Hospital Kidney Exchange (with Yimin Yu), working paper
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