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Juan Yao
Assistant researcher

Essential Information

Name: Juan Yao

Position: Assistant researcher



Research Field

Quantum Simulation on Quantum Many- and Few-Body Problems Computational

Methods for Quantum Systems

Machine Learning Application to Quantum Systems


Educational Background

2008–2012, Bachelor, Fudan University, Shanghai, China.

2012–2016, Ph.D., The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

2017–2019, Postdoc, Institute for Advanced Study of Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.


Working Experience

2019-2020, Research Assistant, Center for Quantum Computing, Peng Cheng Laboratory, Shenzhen, China.

2020-now, Research Assistant, Shenzhen Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen.


Papers and Patents

Juan Yao and Shizhong Zhang, Phys. Rev. A 90, 023608, (2014). Bose-Hubbard models with staggered flux: Quantum phases, collective excitation, and tricriticality.

Juan Yao and Shizhong Zhang, Phys. Rev. A 97, 043612 (2018). Normal State Properties of a Resonantly Interacting p-wave Fermi Gas.

Juan Yao, Ran Qi and Pengfei Zhang, Phys. Rev. A 97, 043626 (2018). Strongly Interacting high-partial wave Bose Gas.

Juan Yao, Boyang Liu, Mingyuan Sun, and Hui Zhai, Phys. Rev. A 98, 041601(R) (2018). Controlled transport between Fermi superfluids through a quantum point contact.

Juan Yao, Pengfei Zhang, Ran Qi and Hui Zhai, Phys. Rev. A 99, 012701 (2019). Three-Body Problem of Bosons nearby a d-wave Resonance.

Juan Yao, Hui Zhai and Ren Zhang, Phys. Rev. A 99, 010701(R) (2019). Efimov Enhanced Kondo Effect in Alkaline and Alkaline-earth Atomic Gas Mixture.

Juan Yao, Yadong Wu, Jahyun Koo, Binghai Yan and Hui Zhai, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 013287 (2020). Active learning algorithm for computational physics.
