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IRMER Ingrid
Tenure Track Assistant Professor

Research Papers and Preprints

Geometry of the Homology Curve Complex Journal of Topology and Analysis. Volume 4 number 3 (2012) 335-359.

A Curve Complex and Incompressible Surfaces in SxR arXiv:1108.4206v4 (2011).

Mesh editing in nonlinear constrained shape spaces (with O. Burghard, M. Hermann and R. Klein) Preprint (2012)

The Chillingworth class is a signed stable length Algebraic and Geometric Topology Volume 15 number 3 (2015), 1863-1876

Stable lengths on the pants graph are rational New York Journal of Mathematics. Volume 21 (2015) 1153-1168.

Critical levels and Jacobi fields in a complex of cycles Osaka Journal of Mathematics, Volume 54, Number 3 (2017), 475-497.

Fibering rigidity of 3-manifolds with Torelli monodromy arXiv:1502.03912 (2015)

Lifts of simple curves in finite regular coverings of closed surfaces Geometriae Dedicata volume 194 (2018) in press.

Examples of covering properties of boundary points of space-times arXiv:1711.04167 (2017)

Immersed stable commutator length on surfaces is computable Draft, available on request (2017)

Finding simple curves in surface covers is undecidable Preprint (2018)

Examples of covering properties of boundary points ofspace-times, accepted to International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics arXiv:1711.04167.

Finding simple curves in surface covers is undecidable,accepted to Geometriae Dedicata arXiv:1806.03700.



PhD Thesis The Curve Graph and Surface Construction in SxR

Honours Thesis Unusual Properties - Mathematical and Physical - of the a-boundary Construction
