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HU Yong
Associate Professor

Work Experience:
2017.06- Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China
2013.09-2017.06 Associate Professor (Maitre de conference), Universite de Caen Normandie (France)
2012.09-2013.08 Post-doc Universitat Duisburg-Essen (Germany)

2008.09-2012.06 Universite Paris-Sud 11, France
PhD degree obtained in June 2012
2007.09-2008.07 Leiden Univeristy, The Netherlands (Second year of the Erasmus ALGANT Master program)
Master degree obtained in July 2008
2006.09-2007.07 Universite Paris-Sud 11, France (First of the Erasmus ALGANT Master program)
2005.09-2006.07 Tsinghua University, Beijing, China (First year of PhD)
2001.09-2005.07 Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
B.S degree obtained in July 2005

1. (with Sunghan BAE and Linsheng YIN) Artin L-functions and modular forms associated to quasi-cyclotomic fields,
Acta Arithmetica, 143 (2010), 59--80.
2. Weak approximation over function fields of curves over large or finite fields, Math. Ann. 348 (2010) No. 2, 357
3. Local-global principle for quadratic forms over fraction fields of two-dimensional henselian domains, Annales
de l'Institut Fourier, 62 (2012) No. 6, 2131--2143.
4. Division algebras and quadratic forms over fraction fields of two-dimensional henselian domains, Algebra Number
Theory, 7 (2013) No. 8, 1919--1952.
5. Hasse principle for simply connected groups over function fields of surfaces, Journal of Ramanujan Mathematical
Society, 29 (2014) No. 2, 155--199.
6. The Pythagoras number and the $u$-invariant of Laurent series fields in several variables, Journal of Algebra,
426 (2015), 243--258.
7. A cohomological Hasse principle over two-dimensional local rings, to appear in International Mathematics
Research Notices, available at arXiv:1401.7782v3
