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Associate Professor

Research Interests
◆ Quantum Materials
◆ Novel Energy Materials
◆ Phase selectivity under nonequilibrium conditions


Educational Background
◆Ph.D. Physics, Fudan University, 2006
◆M.Sc. Physics, Xiangtan University, 2002
◆B.A. Physics, Xiangtan University, 1999


Professional Experience

◆Sep. 2019 - Present Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Southern University of Science and Technology
◆Feb. 2013 - Sep. 2019 Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Southern University of Science and Technology
◆Aug. 2008 - Apr. 2012 Postdoc Research Associate, Ames Laboratory
◆Aug. 2006 - Aug. 2008 Joint Postdoc Research Associate, Georgia Institute of Technology & Ames Laboratory,
◆Dec. 2004 - Aug. 2006 Visiting Scholar, Harvard University and Oak Ridge National Laboratory


Selected Publications
◆Li Huang, C.Z. Wang, M.Z. Li, K.M. Ho, Coverage Dependent Collective Diffusion of Dense Pb Wetting Layer on Si(111)",Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, (2012).
◆Li Huang, X.W. Fang, C.Z. Wang, M.J. Kramer, Z.J. Ding, K.M. Ho, Medium-range icosahedral order in quasicrystal-formingZr2Pd binary metallic glass," Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, (2011).
◆Li Huang, C.Z. Wang, K.M. Ho, Structure and dynamics of liquid Ni36 Zr64 by ab initio molecular dynamics," Phys. Rev. B 83, 184103 (2011).
◆Li Huang, C.Z. Wang, S.G. Hao, M.J. Kramer and K.M. Ho, Short- and Medium-Range Order in Amorphous Zr2Ni Metallic Alloy," Phys. Rev. B 81, 094118 (2010).
◆Li Huang, C.Z. Wang, S.G. Hao, M.J. Kramer and K.M. Ho, Atomic Size and Chemical Effects on the Local Order of Zr2M (M=Co, Ni, Cu, and Ag) Binary Liquids," Phys. Rev. B 81, 014108
◆Li Huang, N. Lu, J.A. Yan, M.Y. Chou, C.Z. Wang, and K.M. Ho, Size- and Strain-dependent Electronic Structures inH-passivated Si [112] Nanowires," Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112, 15680 (2008).
◆Li Huang, X. G. Gong, E. Gergert E, F. Forster, A. Bendounan, F. Reinert, and Zhenyu Zhang, Evolution of a Symmetry Gap and Synergetic Quantum Well States in Ultrathin Ag Films on Au (111) substrates," Europhysics Letters 78, 57003 (2007).
◆Li Huang, Feng Liu, G.H. Lu, and X. G. Gong, First-principles study of adsorption and diffusion on Ge/Si(001)-(2x8) and Ge/Si(105)-(1x2) surfaces," Surf. Sci. 601, 3067 (2007).
◆Li Huang, Feng Liu, G.H. Lu, and X. G. Gong, Surface Mobility Difference between Si and Ge and its Effect on Growth of SiGeAlloy Films and Islands," Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 16103 (2006).
◆Li Huang, Feng Liu and X. G. Gong, Strain Effect on Adatom Binding and Diffusion in Homo-and Hetero-epitaxies of Si and Ge on (001) Surfaces," Phys. Rev. B 70, 155320 (2004).


◆Email: huangl@sustech.edu.cn
◆Tel: +86-755-88018268
◆Add: Room 212, Research Building 2, Department of Physics, Southern University of Science and Technology, No. 1088 Xueyuan Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China
