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Deputy Head of Department

Educational Background
◆ 2002-2006, PhD, ECE, Duke University
◆ 1994-1997, ME, EE, Shanghai Jiaotong University
◆ 1990-1994, BE, EE, Shanghai Jiaotong University

Professional Experience
◆ 2007-2014, Assistant professor, ECE, University of Alabama
◆ 2006-2007, Postdoctoral fellow, Center for visualization and virtual environments, University of Kentucky
◆ 1998-2001,Research Assistant, Data Storage Institute,Singapore
◆ 1997-1998, Engineer, Shanghai Electric Tool Research Institute

Honors & Awards
◆ US National Science Foundation Research Award (2009), PI, Intelligent Compressive Multi-Walker Recognition and Tracking (iSMART) through Pyroelectric Sensor Networks.
◆ US National Science Foundation Research Award, (2011), PI, Cognitive Sensing Research Infrastructure for Distributed Behavioral Biometrics.

Selected Publication
◆ Q. Sun, F. Hu, and Q. Hao, “Mobile Targets Scenario Recognition via Low-cost Pyroelectric Sensing System: Towards an Accurate Context Identification," IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 375-384, March 2014.
◆ Y. Wang, K. Liu, Q. Hao, D. L. Lau, and L. G. Hassebrook, “Robust active stereo vision using Kullback-Leibler divergence," IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 548-563, Mar. 2012.
◆ Y. Wang, K. Liu, Q. Hao, D. L. Lau, and L. G. Hassebrook, “Period coded phase shifting strategy for real-time 3-D structured light illumination acquisition and reconstruction," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 20, no. 11, pp. 3001-3013, Nov. 2011.
◆ F. Hu, Q. Hao, M. Lukowiak, Q. Sun, K. Wilhelm, S. Radziszowski, and Y. Wu, “Trustworthy data collection from implantable medical devices via high-speed security implementation based on IEEE 1363," IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 1397-1404, Nov. 2010.
◆ Q. Hao, F. Hu, and Y. Xiao, “Multiple human tracking and recognition with wireless distributed pyroelectric sensor systems," IEEE Systems J., vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 428-439, Dec. 2009.
