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Qing Liu
English Instructor

Educational Background

Ph.D. 2006-2012 University of Florida, USA(Specialized in EFL Writing)

M.A. 2002-2005 Chongqing University, Chongqing

B.A. 1998-2002 Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing

Teaching and Working Experiences

Assistant professor, 07. 2014-present, Department of Public Course, Southern University of Science & Technology (SUSTech)

English teacher, 01. 2013- 07. 2014, Applied Foreign Language Department, Shenzhen Polytechnic

Instructor, 2008-2012, Language Arts and Children’s Literature, College of Education, University of Florida, FL (evaluation 4.1/5)

Instructor, 2008, Chinese, Chinese department, University of Florida, FL

Chinese Teacher, 2007 -2008, Huagen Chinese School, Gainesville, FL

English Teacher, 2005, Shenzhen Book Store Training Center, Shenzhen, China

Editor& Sectary, 2005.10-2006.05, People’s Daily Shenzhen Branch

Teaching Assistant, 2004-2005, School of Foreign Language, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China

Chinese Teacher, 2004-2005, International Student Center of Chongqing University, Chongqing, China

Courses Taught

(In China) SUSTech English I, III; Scientific Writing, Writing for Workplace, Comprehensive English

(In U.S.) Children’s Literature, Chinese, English Writing, English Listening

Selected Publications

Applebee, A. & Langer, J. (2013). Writing Instruction That Works: Proven Methods for Middle and High School Classrooms (Liu, Q. Trans.,2019). New York, NY: Teacher College Press.

Liu Q. (2017). An Analysis of Language Arts Classrooms in the United States and China. Research and Review on Education(March), pp. 23-28 (China).

Liu Q. (2017). Unrevealing Native-English-Speakers’ Writing Class. Overseas English(March), pp. 51-52 (China).

Liu, Q., Zhou, X., & Fu, D. (2015). Native-English Speaking Instructors Teaching Writing in China. Changing English: Studies in Culture and Education, Vol. 22, pp. 99-111.

Liu, Q. (2013). Rethinking NES writing instructors: A Case Study of Native-English-Speaking (NES) Instructors Teaching English Writing in a University in China. Saarbrucken, Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. ISSN: 978-3-659-37518-7.

Lowery, R. M., Oslick, M. E., Liu, Q., Rodriguez, P. M., and Thibodeaux, L. (2012). Notable Books for a Global Society. Florida Reading Journal 48(2) (Spring issue), pp.29-37.

Liu, Q. 2003. Deeper processing for better EFL reading comprehension. In Cui, H. edit, Education and Pedagogical practices in China. Shantou University Publishing house.

International Presentations

Liu, Q., Ferguson, N.,& O’ Bailey, O. (2018). Then International Conference on “English Language Education in the Chinese Context” at Hong Kong

Liu, Q., Haoyin, Shieh., Chu-Chuan Chu. (2018). Studies on English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Learners’ Writing Experiences at Houston, USA

Liu, Q., Zhou, X., Fu, D., & Shieh, H. et. al. (2014). Writing Our Relations: The Global Connectivity and Perspectives of Research on Writing and Writing Instruction at Paris

Liu, Q., Fu, D., & Zhou, X. (2011). 4th International Conference on Writing Research, The Mismatch between Native-English-Speaking Instructors and the Chinese Students at Washington D.C.

Liu, Q., Yang, Y. & Feng, J. (2010). NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English) conference, Teaching English Globally at Orlando, FL

Lowery, R. M., Oslick, M. E., Liu, Q., Rodriguez, P. M., and Thibodeaux, L. (2010). FRA (Florida Reading Association) conference, Notable Books in Children’s Literature at Orlando, FL

Liu, Q., & Huang L. (2009). NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English) conference, Reading and Responding to International Children’s Books with Pre-service Teachers in China at Philadelphia

Liu, Q., Shieh, H., & Yeh, S. (2008). NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English) conference, American Chinese Adolescents’ response to Chinese Children’s books at San Antonio, Texas

Liu, Q., Shieh, H., & Yeh, S. (2008). NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English) conference, A critical analysis of Chinese-American images in Children’s books at New York

Research Experiences

(Independent research experiences)

2016-2018 SUSTech

PI, Using the Blended Model to Teach Scientific Writing in the Era of Post-MOOCs. Funded

2013.09-2014.09 Shenzhen Polytechnic

Research project: Implementing Process Writing into a Business Writing Class at a Chinese College

2013.06-2014.06 Shenzhen Polytechnic

Research project: Investigating Chinese Vocational Institute Students’ English Writing

2010.02-2010.07 School of Foreign Languages, Shenzhen University, China

Research project: Perceptions of NES instructors on teaching college level English writing in China

2008 Homeless center, Gainesville, FL USA

Research project: Literacy experiences of homeless people

2008 University of Florida, FL USA

Research project: Images of Chinese portrayed in recent published Chinese-American children’s literature

2007 JJ Finley elementary school, Gainesville, FL USA

Research project: ESL students in mainstream classrooms

Research assistant for Dr. Fu, School of Teaching and Learning at University of Florida Summer 2009

Fu, D. (2009). Writing Between Languages: How English Language Learners Make the Transition to Fluency, Grades 4-12 NH: Heinemann. ISBN 978-0-325-01395-4

Research assistant for Dr. Fang, School of Teaching and Learning at the University of Florida, Spring 2008

Fang, Z., Schleppegrell, M. J. (2008). Reading in secondary content areas: A language-based pedagogy. Ann Arbor, MI: The University of Michigan Press. ISBN: 978-0-472-03279-2

Research assistant for Dr. Franks, School of Teaching and Learning at University of Florida, Fall 2006

Service Activities

Organization committee & Grader 2013.06 National Writing Contest for Vocational Students

Test Question Writer 2013.10 Writing Contest for Shenzhen Vocational Students

Proposal reviewer, 2011 June, 2012 TESOL conference

Co-organizer, 2007 -2010, International Students Study Group, College of Education, University of Florida

Vice Chairperson, 2002-2004, English Association for graduate students at Chongqing University

Volunteer for AAPP conference at Chongqing, 2002

Interpreter for Noble Winner Prof. Clark’s visit to Chongqing, 2001

lServices to American Schools and Organizations

Volunteer, 2006-2011, P.K. Young experimental School, Gainesville, FL

Social Studies Judge, 2009, Gainesville High School, Gainesville, FL

Volunteer, 2008-2009, JJ Finley, Gainesville, Florida

Volunteer, 2008, Kirby Smith Center, Gainesville, Florida

Professional Affiliations (Past and Present)

International Level

National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) 2008-present

Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) 2009-present

State level

Florida Reading Association (FRA) 2010-present

International Conference on Writing Research 2011-present
