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Research Assistant Professor

Hua Chen received his Bachelor’s degree from Department of Control Science and Engineering majoring in Automation at Zhejiang University with honor in 2012. He received his Ph.D. degree from Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The Ohio State University in 2018. Then he was a postdoctoral researcher at OSU before joining Southern University of Science and Technology in China as a Research Associate. His research interests include control theory and reinforcement learning and their applications in robotics.


◆ 2012.8-2018.12     The Ohio State University   Ph.D.

◆ 2008.9-2012.6      Zhejiang University B.E.

Academic Experience:

◆ 2019.6- Southern University of Science and Technology Research Assistant Professor

◆ 2019.1-2019.6 The Ohio State University Postdoctoral Researcher


[1]. Laurentiu Marinovici  and  Hua  Chen,  “Framework  for  analysis  and  quantification of  wide-area  control  resilience  for  power  systems, ”IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, to appear

[2]. Hao Li, Hua Chen, and Wei Zhang. "On Model-free Reinforcement Learning for Switched Linear Systems: A Subspace Clustering Approach." In 2018 56th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton), pp. 123-130. IEEE, 2018.

[3]. Lian, Jianming, Di Wu, Karanjit Kalsi, and Hua Chen. "Theoretical framework for integrating distributed energy resources into distribution systems." In 2017 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, pp. 1-5. IEEE, 2017.

[4]. Hua Chen, and Wei Zhang. "On weak topology for optimal control of switched nonlinear systems." Automatica 81 (2017): 409-415.

[5]. Hua Chen, Wei Zhang, Jianming Lian, and Antonio J. Conejo. "Robust distributed volt/var control of distribution systems." In 2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), pp. 6321-6326. IEEE, 2017.

[6]. Hua Chen, Krishnamoorthy Kalyanam, Wei Zhang, and David Casbeer. "Intruder isolation on a general road network under partial information." IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 25, no. 1 (2016): 222-234.

[7]. Jianzhe Liu, Hua Chen, Wei Zhang, Benjamin Yurkovich, and Giorgio Rizzoni. "Energy management problems under uncertainties for grid-connected microgrids: A chance constrained programming approach." IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 8, no. 6 (2016): 2585-2596.

[8]. Hua Chen, Krishna Kalyanam, Wei Zhang, and David Casbeer. "Continuous-time intruder isolation using unattended ground sensors on graphs." In 2014 American Control Conference, pp. 5270-5275. IEEE, 2014.
