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CHENG Longzhen
Assistant Professor

Dr. Longzhen Cheng got her PhD from Fudan University, supervised by Dr. Zhi-Qi Zhao. Then she worked as research associate in the Institute of Brain Science, Fudan University, mainly from 2009 to 2012. She did her postdoc at Harvard Medical School, in Dr. Qiufu Ma lab, from 2013 to 2016. She was selected as a member of “junior PI plan” from the Institute of Brain Science, Fudan University and established her own lab in October, 2016. She joined Southern University of Science and Technology in 2018. In recent 5 years, Dr. Cheng published several papers in peer-reviewed journals including Cell, Nature Neuroscience, etc.

Research Interests:
The dorsal spinal cord is the integrative center that processes and transmits a variety of somatic sensory modalities, such as pain, itch, touch and temperature. Our lab is interested in identification of spinal circuits for somatosensory information. Currently we are trying to dissect spinal mechanisms for chronic pain. Ongoing projects: 1) Identification of spinal circuits for chronic pain; 2) Gating mechanisms for chronic pain; 3) Synaptic plasticity of spinal dorsal horn neurons. We mainly use genetic tools combined with behavior tests and electrophysiological recordings in the spinal cord to address these questions.

Professional Experience:
02/2018 – present Assistant Professor, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China
02/2016 – 02/2018 Associate professor, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
02/2013 – 02/2016 Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard Medical School Supervised by Dr. Qiufu Ma
04/2009 – 01/2013 Research associate, Fudan University, Shanghai, China

Educational Background:
08/2005 – 01/2009 Ph.D.: Neurobiology, Fudan University, Shanghai, China Supervised by Dr. Zhiqi Zhao
09/2002 – 07/2005 M.S.: Physiology, Wanan Medical College, Anhui, China Supervised by Dr. Mengya Wang
09/1997 – 07/2002 B.S.:Clinical medicine; Wannan Medical College, Anhui, China

Honors & Awards:
2013 Selected as a member of “Fudan University Excellent Plan”
2016 Selected as a member of “junior PI Plan” from Institute of Brain Science, Fudan University

Selected Publication:
1.Cheng L*, Duan B*, Huang T*, Zhang Y, Chen Y, Britz O, Garcia-Campmany L, Ren X, Vong L, Lowell BB, Goulding M, Wang Y#, Ma Q#. Identification of spinal circuits involved in touch-evoked dynamic mechanical pain. Nature Neuroscience 2017, 20(6):804-8014 (*Co-first author)
2.Duan B*, Cheng L*, Bourane S, Britz O, Padilla C, Garcia-Campmany L, Krashes M, Knowlton W, Velasquez T, Ren X, Ross SE, Lowell BB, Wang Y, Goulding M*, Ma Q*. Identification of spinal circuits transmitting and gating mechanical pain. Cell 2014, 159(6):1417-32 (*Co-first author)
3.Duan B#, Cheng L#, Ma Q#. Spinal circuits transmitting mechanical pain and itch. Neuroscience Bulletin 2017, Epub 2017 May 08 (#Co-corresponding author)
4.Bourane S*, Duan B*, Koch S, Dalet A, Britz A, Garcia-Campmany L, Kim E, Cheng L, Ghosh A, Ma Q#, Goulding M#. Gate control of mechanical itch by a subpopulation of spinal cord interneurons. Science 2015, 350(6260):550-4
5.Li WW*, Cheng L*, Zou Z, Tian ML, Zhang H, Raya AD, Wang Y#, Shi XY#. (R)-alpha-methylhistamine Suppresses Inhibitory Neurotransmission in Hippocampal CA1 Pyramidal Neurons Counteracting Propofol-Induced Amnesia in Rats. CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics 2014, 20: 851-859 (*Co-first author)
6.Wan L, Liu X, Wu Z, Ren WT, Kong SZ, Abou Dargham R, Cheng L#, Wang Y#. Activation of extrasynaptic GABA(A) receptors inhibits cyclothiazide-induced epileptiform activity in hippocampal CA1 neurons. Neuroscience Bulletin 2014, 30: 866-876 (#Co-corresponding author)
7.Lü N, Cheng L, Zhang YQ, Lü BC, Li YQ, Zhao ZQ#. Involvement of ryanodine receptors in tetanic sciatic stimulation-induced long term potentiation of spinal dorsal horn and persistent pain in rats. Journal of Neuroscience Research. Journal of Neuroscience Research 2012, 90: 1096-1104.
8.Chen ML*, Cao H*, Chu YY, Cheng L, Liang LL, Zhao ZQ#. Role of P2X7 Receptor-Mediated IL-18/IL-18R Signaling in Morphine Tolerance: Multiple Glial-Neuronal Dialogues in the Rat Spinal Cord. Journal of Pain 2012, 13, 945-958
9.Li TT*, Ren WH*, Xiao X*, Nan J, Cheng L, Zhang XH, Zhao ZQ, Zhang YQ#. Role of P2X7 Receptor-Mediated IL-18/IL-18R Signaling in Morphine Tolerance: Multiple Glial-Neuronal Dialogues in the Rat Spinal Cord. Journal of Pain 2012, 13, 945-958
10.Cheng L*, Han L*, Fan J, Huang LT, Peng LC, Wang Y#. Enhanced inhibitory synaptic transmission in the spinal dorsal horn mediates antinociceptive effects of TC-2559. Molecular Pain 2011, 7:13 (*Co-first author)
11.Cheng L*, Lü N*, Zhang YQ, Zhao ZQ#. Ryanodine receptors contribute to the induction of nociceptive input-evoked long-term potentiation in the rat spinal cord slice. Molecular Pain 2010, 6:1. (*Co-first author)
