C0-stability of topological entropy for 2-dimensional geodesic flows
Marcelo Ribeiro de Resende Alves
2024-03-14 16:30
M1001, College of Science Building
Opening the doors of nuclear scientific discovery: rare isotopes science at high luminosity
Daniel Bazin, Professor, Michigan State University
2024-03-05 10:00
Room P1078, College of Science
Low-power and Self-powered Environmental Sensor Assisted by Deep-Learning Technology
Prof. Inkyu Park
2024-03-01 16:20
Room 520, Nanshan i Park Chongwen
Using light, water, and carbon dioxide to make fuels: Conjugated polymer photocatalysts for solar fuels generation
Dr. Sebastian Sprick
2024-03-01 10:30
Room 529, North Tower, College of Engineering