E-mail: xuqs3@mail.sustech.edu.cn
Position: Assistant Professor
Dr. Qiushi XU, Assistant Professor of the School of Design at Southern University of Science and Technology, is a scholar of Sound Studies and STS (Science and Technology Studies/Science, Technology, and Society). Her main research fields include Sound Studies, STS, Anthropology and Gender Studies. Dr.XU was a Junior Fellow in the Society of Fellows in the Liberal Arts at SUSTech. She received her Ph.D. in Philosophy of Science and Technology from Tsinghua University, China and was in a joint Ph.D. program in the Department of Science and Technology Studies at Cornell University, U.S.A. She obtained a MA in Cultural and Creative Industries at King's College London, UK, and got a BA in Recording Arts (Sound Director) and a BA in Journalism in Communication University of China. Dr.XU has been actively participating in and organizing international academic activities in the areas of Sound Studies and STS. She has been working on Studies on Sound Technology and Sound Art, STS of the Sound of Musical Instruments, Noise and Environmental Studies, Philosophy of Design & Philosophy of Technology, Sound Design in AI Industries, Studies on Sound and Gender, and Studies on Sound, Body and Medicine. Dr. XU devotes herself to delving the new and fast developing interdisciplinary field of Sound Studies. It is her academic ambition to do fascinating and tasteful research. In addition to academic research, she also loves the writing of non-academic essay with paying attention to mass culture and social reality.
Selected Output:
Qiushi XU, 2021. The Unbearable “Lightness” of Life – Noise, Power Structure, and the Studiolization of Nature [J]. DUSHU,pp.14-22.
Qiushi XU, 2020. Performing “Noise” - The Construction and Deconstruction of Noise in the Production of Piano Sound [J]. Tsinghua Sociological Review, Vol. 14, pp. 147-170.
Qiushi XU, Trevor Pinch, Bing LIU, 2020. STS Marching in Sound Studies: “A Revolutionary Moment” [J]. Science and Society, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 81-96.
Qiushi, XU. and Bing, LIU, 2018. Sound Studies: A Brand-New Area in STS [J]. Journal of Dialectics of Nature, Vol. 40, No. 4, pp. 88-97.
Qiushi XU, 2017. Calling for the Metaphysics of Human Civilization – Reading the Book Daoxiangyuan Essays [J]. Green Leaf, No.5, pp. 62-65.
Qiushi, XU. and Bing, LIU, 2016. The Historiography Significance of The Death of Nature to Scientific Revolution –With Discussing the Hyperprofessionalism in History of Science [J]. Science and Society, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 44-53.
Qiushi, XU, 2016. Theory, Perspective and the New Study of Science Communication [J]. Science Education and Museums, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 83-84.
Qiushi XU, 2022.2.13. An Incredible Thinker, An Admirable Mentor, and A Much-Valued Friend: A Tribute to Trevor Pinch. Backchannels, 4S.
Qiushi XU, 2019.12. A Woman’s Masterpiece of Women: Analyzing Cindy Sherman’ Untitled Film Still # 21. Arts Autour Du Monde by Artistes autour du monde – Centre detudes interdisciplinaries en art (AAM-CEIA).
Qiushi XU, 2019.6.24. SO! Amplifies: The Electric Golem (Trevor Pinch and James Spitznagel). Sounding Out! (Sound Studies Online Publication). https://soundstudiesblog.com/2019/06/24/so-amplifies-the-electric-golem-trevor-pinch-and-james-spitznagel/?fbclid=IwAR0lsVUsTU3FNmjCCkShFiTQeUXEe5kdTGRHDPV6drKdcQEC34BIGwIfHk8
Qiushi XU. Does the Piano Sound You Hear Comes from a Piano? The Thinker, No.3, 2022.
Qiushi XU. The Sociology of Insects and Health. Meiwen, No.2, 2020.
Qiushi XU. Material, Nature, and the Environment of Human Living. Meiwen, No.2, 2020.
Qiushi XU. But There is No His Home Outside the Window. Meiwen, No.2, 2020.
Qiushi XU. The New Trend of Digital Art. China Culture Daily, May 25, 2019.
Qiushi XU. Holographic Practice of Ecological Agriculture. Liaoning Daily, March 26, 2017.
Qiushi XU. Tasting the Sweets and Bitters of Life. Chinese Science Daily, May 20, 2016.